In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

27 Jan 2017

Even Scientists Act Superstitious at Sea - Facts So Romantic - Nautilus

  • People/Psychology
  • People/Rationality/Biases
  • (show all) All categories:
  • People
  • People/Psychology
  • People/Rationality
  • People/Rationality/Biases

  • Tags:
  • Biases
  • Luck
  • Superstitions
  • Sea
  • Psychology

  • Rating: 5; Complexity: 6
    Title: Even Scientists Act Superstitious at Sea - Facts So Romantic - Nautilus

    Students made to feel a lack of control more often reported seeing images of animals, people, or foods where none existed.
    *“Superstitions create a form of structure in an unstructured world,” *

    “Engaging in superstitious behavior creates a subsequent illusion of control over future outcomes.”

    It turns out that if what you do is really risky and dangerous, or involves lots of uncertainty, then you’re more likely to hold and practice superstitions. It’s not just sailing. Gambling, Wall Street trading, and baseball are just a few more examples.