In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

04 Jun 2024

New Linux install notes

Wanted to do Manjaro, after googling found out it has a very bad reputation (arindas/manjarno: Reasons for which I don’t use Manjaro anymore) — I’ll go with EndeavourOS. OpenSUSE Tumbleweed will be my next choice if this fails.


  • /opt will have executable programs
    • TG, hugo(?), pycharm, kitty?..
    • qtile, qutebrowser
  • home encrypted, but separate swap+etc. partitions of size of ram
    • or not, since encrypted home/swap/… and hibernation are hard — so only encryption
    • …because snappshotting for if one randomly rms /etc12.
    • F2FS is the fastest for SSDs but can lose data if battery dies
  • Dotfiles
    • radically simplify everything, no need to source global ones and /home/me etc. — I’ll just use the same user for everything

OK, EndeavourOS+btfrs it is.

Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.