In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

16 Jan 2024

Latex algorithms bits


Require/Ensure is basically Input/Output and can be renamed thus1:


Sample algpseudocode algorithm float


% ...

\caption{Drop Rare Species per Country}
\Require $D_0$: initial set of occurrences
\Ensure $D_1$: Set of occurrences after filtering rare species
\State $D_1 \gets$ \emptyset
\For{each $c$ in Countries}
    \For{each $s$ in Species}
        \If {$|O_{c,s} \in D_0| \geq 10$} % if observations of species in country in D_0 have more than 10 entries; || is set cardinality
            \State{$D_1 \gets D_1 \cup O_{c,s}$} 
Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.