In the middle of the desert you can say anything you want

28 Sep 2021

About me


My name is Serhii Hamotskyi, I was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, currently living in Leipzig (Germany). I work in the area of Machine Learning (mostly Natural Language Processing), especially as applied to automated document processing.

Life story

Currently I’m working at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, before that I worked as Machine Learning Engineer at ExB Research & Development GmbH.

I finished my B.Sc. in Computer Science at Hochschule Merseburg, Germany, and got my Bachelor’s in Software Engineering from Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, as part of a double-diploma program. After some years of full-time work I started my Master’s degree in Data Science at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences where I was working, defending my Master’s thesis on May 07 2024.


Pretty much everything. You can get a good idea of what I like to read about from this website, but the two main ones were always computers and languages. My current area (ML / NLP) is directly at the intersection of both and I’m happy :)

I’m interested in language and languages in general, psychology and influence, previously also information security. I care about privacy, open source, and dislike companies which I perceive to be damaging to any of them.

See projects for some of the things I did.

Privacy policy

…is minimalistic and located here.

Contact me

In order of decreasing preference:
@pchr8 on Telegram
XING, LinkedIn

Nel mezzo del deserto posso dire tutto quello che voglio.